Yes..he is Hong Kong, because me too~台灣website is a lot better than Hong Kong website(I think)
4 k7 a; K% V( T【最新吉他譜】自學電吉他、木吉他、古典吉他、貝斯的園地【線上購買吉他,網路買吉他首選】Translation(翻譯)小新吉他館-自學木吉他、電吉他、烏克麗麗、貝斯、木箱鼓、電子琴、採譜 教學網站' E4 D0 x9 o, a: D4 N$ X
& P8 }5 y4 u( P* t( E5 D4 H4 L8 c小新吉他館-自學木吉他、電吉他、烏克麗麗、貝斯、木箱鼓、電子琴、採譜 教學網站1.He want to play 卡農 rock ver, and he want to know how to take away the guitar sound(in the song I think in the mp3?)but not on the guitar pro5.【最新吉他譜】自學電吉他、木吉他、古典吉他、貝斯的園地【線上購買吉他,網路買吉他首選】5 ]! c F; R7 l& q# l
2.And jerry c he play the卡農 rock ver, he want to know what effect he use and How to use it.
- Q& L/ L( B8 {2 n" }+ A; s5 U8 d3.People tell him you can puck your guitar in to your computer, but he want to know what it for and how??
) \8 l9 j% F% u8 this is what he try to said... |