本帖最後由 perroquet51 於 2011-11-6 20:00 編輯 gita.idv.tw., m3 t# U# O1 p3 ~$ e. S
小新的吉他館0 u, E) z4 L( ]( L9 Q
hello i'am french i love this song and i want to play it but when i try to download the PDF this message appear: 對不起,您的小新鑽:不足(小於 1 顆)。. Please someone can tell me what it mean and what i have to do to can download the PDF. Thank you.小新的吉他館* ?/ e1 r6 X" b$ i
& F+ e# i N% m0 _% C4 c1 o8 Ggita.idv.tw.sorry for double post |