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標題: qungwzcwdfok [打印本頁]

作者: xqgwhtyxqcpq    時間: 2014-12-17 16:31     標題: qungwzcwdfok

ugg italia His wife laughed scornfully Poor little soul, she never for a moment dreamed that it was a case of out of the frying pan into the fire, and that the world at large might prove more cruel to her than Vandeloup in particular I will go into Ballarat to-morrow, and get him away to Melbourne  He carried on the business of a mining agent, and knowing all about the country and the intricacies of the mines, he was one of the cleverest speculators in Ballarat In his wildest flight of fancy he never thought it would be Kitty, else his cool nonchalance would for once have been upset at the thought of the two women he was interested in being under the same roof They, however, never knew how cleverly M Vandeloup, as my clerk, and your companion can work in the mine

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