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作者: hzoaysquzaiq    時間: 2014-12-13 05:25     標題: tdkrlmbsmcxm ‘What a size!’ cried Kitty, clapping her hands as Vandeloup lifted it out and placed it on the table; ‘how much is it worth?’ He bore the scrutiny coolly, and took a chair in silence, his companion doing the same, while Madame opened the letter and read Slivers’ bad writing with a dexterity only acquired by long practice doudoune moncler He was grave, however, when Kitty spoke to him privately of what Madame had said to her, and asked her if she would not like to accept Mrs Villiers’ offer  â€™ ‘Two or three pounds, perhaps more,’ he replied, rising He bowed his head gently For reply the stranger dived into another pocket, and, bringing to light a long bill-poster, held it up before Mr Villiers

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